Thanks for this roundup. I had a play around with Zora which I found particularly simple, I have never created an NFT on any platform before but I now have the following free collection up after just 10 minutes or so: https://zora.co/collect/zora:0x7654cf5b5150ca5b1ca2fa858815c231770c9b7c

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Hey William, great roundup! I just want to add a mention for Collectify.App

It's so hard for smaller platforms to have their voices hear so I guess you never heard of them.

Here's a quick summary of features:

- Free to use

- Create ERC-721, 721a, 1155, Soulbound Tokens, Editions + more

- Build on 14 chains and testnets (anything EVM, basically)

- Build custom marketplaces, with enforced royalties (or not, whatever you want)

- Quickly contact a team-member for technical help and advice - and sometimes these conversations lead to us building new features!

- Ban royalty-dodging marketplaces from interacting with your contracts

- Build and manage Allowlists

- Passcode-enabled minting

- Holder data management including communications and taking snapshots

- Create a space for staking, discussion and voting

- Use EIP-6551 to convert your NFTs into Token Bound Accounts (ie the token gains a wallet address

- Plug-in for Wordpress to create token-gated content

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